
Izzy has been a personal trainer in the industry for 9 years, in that time he has launched his own company, Evolve Coaching and Fitness. He was inspired to become a coach by the likes of Dr. Lane Norton, Elliott Hulse and Charles Poliquin whose knowledge he uses as a reference in his own training methods. Izzy saw the impact the science of biology, biomechanics and anatomy has on weight loss, building muscle, improving performance and injury prevention.

He has gone on to help people with weight loss by creating a sustainable plan that fits into his clients’ existing lifestyle. He has worked as a strength and conditioning coach to two MMA fighters and Brazlian Jiu Jitsu athletes and has helped clients with limitations from scoliosis, herniated discs and nerve damage to build muscle and strength in a safe manner.


Level 3 REPs Personal Trainer

REPs Spinning Instructor

REPs Circuit Training Instructor

Optimum Kettlebell Instructor

Level 1 & Level 2 TFW Coach

Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach

UKSCA Olympic Lifting

UKSCA Exercise Program Design

Areas of Speciality: 

Body transformation and performance


Evolve or Be Extinct

Training philosophy: 

Create small sustainable changes for life long results

Sales Pitch:

Izzy has an approach that prioritises his clients goals as well as highlight areas that will limit the clients progress taking into consideration each clients’ individual circumstances. He produces a year overview of the plan to present to each client after their first four sessions so they are fully aware and can give their input and opinion into their fitness journey.


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